IBM i Modernization picto

‘Full stack’ modernization for IBM i (aka AS/400 or AS400)

ARCAD for IBM i Modernization

Modernize your IBM i applications from database to source code

IBM i Modernization Solution

The platform is not old, it’s the applications.Philippe Magne – CEO – ARCAD Software

Reduce costs and risks

» By staying on IBM i and modernizing your applications!

Gain flexibility

» Quickly adapt to business requirements, keeping a high level of flexibility in your information systems

I want to

my modernization project

ModerniZation « as a Service » (MaaS)
Let us handle your project!

Delegate your modernization project to our experts!

ARCAD for IBM i Modernization

Optimize your databases

Open to the Digital World

» Enhanced integration capabilities

Secure your data

» Data security and integrity through automation

Simplify data access

» Thanks to SQL standardization

Conversion to DB2

» Convert PF/LF in DB2 Tables and views

Explicit field names​

» Use explicit field names for clarity

Switch to RPG Free Form

Skilled developers

» Young developers prefer Free Form RPG

Save performances

» Keep execution performance once converted​

Modularize your code

Create Web Services

» For the scalability of your services and the interoperability of applications

Improve maintainability

» Facilitate application maintenance to control costs

ARCAD for IBM i Modernization

Modernize in complete safetyin a 3-step approach

Picto Modernization number 1


Analyze you applications

Picto Modernization number 2

& Test Automation

Structure your development

*secure the modernization process, reducing errors and ensuring the quality of the delivered application

Picto Modernization number 3


Modernize your
Database, Source Code
& User Interface

Start your modernization project with ARCAD for IBM i Modernization

ARCAD transformer,

specialized modernization modules

IBM i Modernization Challenge - Schema

Convert from RPGLE to RPG Free Form

Future-proof your IBM i application assets with automated conversion from RPG to modern Free Form.

Convert Synon (CA 2E) 4GL to modern Free Form

Solve your Synon skills shortage with automated conversion to RPG Free Form.

Convert DB2 tables to modern SQL

Standardize your IBM i database on SQL and boost its performance.

Open your IBM i to Modern UI Technologies!

Transform your business rules into standard RESTful Web services.

Change IBM i field sizes and types with confidence

Automate the expansion of field size, throughout application source code and database.

Let’s discuss your modernization project

Quote product

We are extremely satisfied with the results. By converting to RPG Free and SQL, we have resolved the resource shortage – which will translate to less cost and risk in the years to come. We have been able to leverage the 20 years’ worth of functional enhancements to our application and our customers have already perceived benefits in ease-of-use and enhanced performance.

Hugues Clement IT Manager at GeodisHugues Clément, IT Manager at GEODIS

Customer Reference – Orange

  • Business critical application: billing system for mobile phones​
  • Project duration: 30 months​
  • Reduced code volume: ​
    • Before: 20 Million of lines (10,000 programs) ​
    • After modernization: 10 millions (55,000 pgms/procedures)​
  • Complete standard CI/CD pipeline (GitLab, Jira, ARCAD, DROPS)​
  • Coaching on skills transfer on the DevOps toolchain + RPG Free Form​
  • 35% improvement in application performance​
ARCAD MAAS Datasheet

Discover ARCAD MaaS

Discover the many benefits of ARCAD Modernization as a Service.


IBM i Applications Modernization

Modernization involves evolving existing applications to make their architecture more agile. This agility makes it easier to interconnect with the digital world (via web services), enables secure access to database data, and allows for the gradual use of other programming languages beyond RPG or Cobol.
Modernizing your IBM i environment allows you to take advantage of modern technologies, improve the user interface, reduce maintenance costs, and attract young developers who will naturally renew the development teams.
IBM i modernization is much less expensive and risky than a complete replacement by an ERP or a full rewrite. It allows adapting the information system to the digital world without any tunnel effect and without disturbing the end users.

Modernization Process

To start, we perform an assessment of your current system called « Application Healthcheck » to identify the elements that need modernization and define a roadmap tailored to your needs.
Yes, we offer a phased approach to limit risks and allow your teams to adapt progressively.
We offer database modernization (migration to modern relational databases), integration with market DevOps standards, and transforming RPG code into newer technologies. For the interface part, we recommend code modularization and the creation of web services that will serve as a link between the back-office and the web or mobile front.

Tools and Technologies Used

We use ARCAD for IBM i Modernization, including specialized tools such as:

Transformer RPG

To automatically convert code to RPG FreeForm, which is much more readable and very similar in syntax to .Net and Java

Transformer Synon

To exit this obsolete AGL

Transformer DB

To convert physical and logical files into tables and views

Transformer Microservices

To modularize RPG code, discover similar code, and facilitate the creation of web services

Transformer Field

To extend the size of certain database fields that have become too small (e.g., article numbers, order numbers, amounts, etc.)

We work with RPG FreeForm as the most suitable language for the back office, and all other languages for the front office (Java, PHP, Node JS, Ruby, Python, REACT, Angular).
You can integrate technologies such as REST APIs, microservices, and automation with DevOps tools.

Impact and Risks

No, we implement migration strategies that minimize disruptions, using test environments and carefully planning transition phases.
Risks can include temporary interruptions and the learning curve of new technologies. We mitigate these risks through careful planning and thorough testing.
This is a significant advantage of modernization. There is no need to revisit all interactions with other systems.
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